Wild Oak Llamas


There's nothing more powerful...a picture paints a thousand words!

Last updated  April 10th , 2023

      A great deal of changes in our lives the past few weeks. We have decided to sell the ranch and down size to a single level home in a gated community here in Bend. 

   ALL OUR LLAMAS HAVE BEEN SOLD   except two that are in the upcoming on-line auction at Cascade the end of April.

We want to thank all the llama owners that we have hung out with in dusty barns for being such loyal friends and for everyone that has purchased from Wild Oak llamas over the last twenty plus years.

We will be in North Carolina for the Llama Pickin' Sale on May 20th, so for those of you that will be attending, we can say our goodbyes.

We are looking forward to a little golf and traveling in our bus.  Hopefully visiting the ranches across the country that have purchased our llamas so we can visit you and them.

Life is great and having made such incredible friends in the industry has been a true blessing.

Andrew Steele You tube of Wild Oak Llamas Ranch

This site is intended to provide the sharing of experience and information. Take what you can use .... leave the rest.

  Information on this site is not guaranteed to be current or accurate.  Just suggestions.

                                 Always consult your personal veterinarian for an ill llama or alpaca.

My Llama's by Larry Howland

I searched the earth from west to east

To find a most peculiar beast.

"Twas then I saw a grand parade

of mammals God had custom made.

He gave to them the strangest name

for there's no other quite the same.

With two small aa's and double ll's

A llama neither talks nor spells.

An almost camel with no humps

Banana ears and regal rump.

They last for days without a drink

Yet they don't wither, faint, or shrink.

They also like to advertise

when it is time to criticize.

For when they'r mad and in a snit

They hum, and hiss, and even spit.

So Many things I fetch and get

It's hard to know who is the pet.

One thing is clear for all to see

My Llama's think that they own me>

We are proud members of :

  •  COLA           (Central Oregon Llama Association)
  •  Cal-ILA        (California International Llama Association)
  •  LANA           (The Llama Association of North America)
  •  LFA              (Llama Futurity Association)
  •  ALSA            (Alpaca Llama Show Association)
  •  ALA              (Argentine Llama Aficionados)

  •  ILR-SD         (ILR  Show Division)

  •  LOWC          (Llamas of the Wine Country) desolved in 2016
  •  Llama Fiber Cooperative of North America


2018 Silky Wool Female  MSF PURPLE REIGN


2010 Medium Wool Female ALOHA HEARTSTRINGS

Breeder of 2017 Suri Male WOL CHIRI TOASTED HEAD 

Former home of:   2008  Suri Female HEYLEE

2007 Reserve Grand Champion Suri Male SILVER MOON CHIRI ALLURO

  2008 National Non-Breeder Papucho  

Thank you for visiting our website!