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Sold to Michael West of 4 Ladies and Me 

Sold to Justin Timm of Frog Pond Llamas

Sold to Justin Timm of Frog Pond Llamas

Standing Rock's Calendar Girl

ILR 291830 DOB 7/11/2018

Brownderosa's Infineon X Standing Rock's Centerfold

SOLD to Denice Fehrenbach

WOL Summit's Pearl

ILR 295279 DOB 6/2/2021

MSF Summit X Lumberjack's Spider Chrysanthemum

SOLD to Ron & Gail Wilkinson

WOL Ameretto

ILR 295351 DOB 6/24/2021

MSF Summit X WOL Maleficent

SOLD to Andrea Johnson

WOL Chiri Tumalo

ILR 289763   DOB 10/2/2016

WOL Chiri Rondo X WOL Far Niente"

Sold to Tammy & Stephen Fritz

HOLR Ariana

ILR 290779   DOB 4/11/2017

GNLC Silvertone X Acaisha

Sold to Tammy & Stephen Fritz

Merlin's Legacy HOLR

ILR 290543   DOB 5/26/2017

GNLC Merlin X Aloha Heartstrings

Sold to Tammy & Stephen Fritz

Sijama Zoya

ILR 288539  DOB 3/19/2015

Starr Fyter X Sijama Zamora

Sold to Tammy & Stephen Fritz

CVL Amahl's Syrah

ILR 291852  DOB 4/17/2018

Cellini's Amahl  X HHNA Suree Suree

sold back to Chris & Venesa Carter

RGA Mach's Duke of the Desert

ILR 290626  DOB 5/22/2017

Argentine Mach One (ET)  X Lucky Flush ABSR

sold to Meggan & Jacob Mumford

WOL Far Niente'

ILR 286038   DOB 9/17/2013

RDL Prince Nikolai  X LaZaFor

Sold to Michael West

Lumberjack's Spider Chrysanthemum

(aka Christy)

ILR 289419   DOB 6/20/2016

Argentine Lumberjack  X RGA Spider Jo

sold to Courtnee & Seth Onsager

MSF Purple Reign

ILR 290877   DOB 4/23/2017

GNLC Crocket   X  Mighty Joe's Daphne

sold to Courtnee & Seth Onsanger

WOL Sweet Abilene ILR 29400

MSF Summit X WOL Maleficent

Sold to Tammy & Jeff Smith of California

WOL Inspirato's Bowtie  ILR 291971

GNLC Inspirato X Aloha Heartstrings

Sold to 4 Ladies and Me and partnered with Jerry Ayers

WOL Chiri Rondo  ILR 284590

Silver Moon Chiri Alluro X Candiliesa

Sold to Frog Pond Llamas

WOL Dancer's Dyamond  ILR 292818

GNLC Inspirato X WOL Cleocatra's Dancer

Sold to Country View Llamas

New Leaf's Independence  ILR 291974

GNLC Full Tilt  X FFF Amatista

Sold to Dutch Flats Llama Farm

WOL Chiri Prevost  ILR 293838

WOL Chiri Tumalo X MSF Purple Reign

Sold to B Bar Z Llamas

WOL Inspirato's Rebel  ILR 294004

GNLC Inspirato X Ollendick Farms Brinley

Sold to Tammy & Stephen Fritz

WOL Summit's Roco  ILR 294005

MSF Summit X WOL Far Niente'

Sold to Robert & Barb Johnsom

WOL Chiri Ronda  ILR 292806

WOL Chiri Rondo X Maleficent

Sold to Sijama Llamas

WOL Chiri Silver Rosa ILR 292807

WOL Chiri Rondo X Chilean Rosalind RDRL

Sold to Hard Rock Llamas

WOL Camryn's Greyston  ILR 292808

Ollendick Farms Camryn X FVL Corraca

Sold to Andrea' Johnson

WOL Vigilante's Tatiana  ILR 293873

CTF Renegades Vigilante X Aloha Heartstrings

Sold to Frog Pond Llamas

Vigilante' Armani  ILR 292130

CTF Renegades Vigilante X Acaisha

Sold our half interest to our partners R & G Acres

WOL Inspirato's Maverick  ILR 294101

GNLC Inspirato X Sijama Zoya

Sold to Frog Pond Llamas

WOL Chiri Tanada  ILR 294006

WOL Chiri Tumalo X HD Midas Vanada

Sold to Criven Llamas & Fritz Farms

Aloha Heartstrings  DOB 9/7/2007

(WH Hot Manana X Hearts on Fire)

Confirmed bred to MSF Summit for a July 2022 cria

SOLD to Frong Pond Llamas

Ollendick Farms Brinley  DOB 5/26/2011

(MSF Blue Streak X LUA Bravado's Amazing Love)

Confirmed bred to GNLC Inspirato for a May 2022 cria .     SOLD to Frong Pond Llamas

WOL  Maleficent DOB 10/7/2015

(RDL Prince Nikloai X Heylee)

 Confirmed bred to MSF Summit for a June 2022 cria.  SOLD to Frong Pond Llamas